There was once a thought…and this thought decided it would be blue and wavy.And so it was...The thought liked what it was, but wanted to share its bluest blue and waviest wave so it invited another thought to share itself with.
And so it was...
Well I am much bluer and brighter than you
My squiggles are so much more attractive than your simple boring wavy waves
Quit shoving, I was here first
I’m better …no I am
Spikiest spike and reddest red and
Blackest black all joined to overrun squiggliest squiggles
Things were out of control…
Thought thought as loud as it could think
STOP it thought...
When everything was quiet, thought thought it heard a voice coming from the space thought came from
I will guide you whispered the voice
Who are you answered the thought
I am the inner voice
Oh I see thought thought , like a conscience
I prefer the term intuition said the voice
Thought was happy it to have another to think to
Thought was clear and realized it wasn’t alone
Calm thought was nearby as was focused thought
We will help too thought the others
They decided all of these thoughts together made no sense. It just wasn’t working out and invited another thought.. help
The invited help decided to erase all of the thoughts and start over
And so it was...
The eraser thought became clear and decided it would invite a nice kind and gentle thought to start with
Then invite a subtle pink to blend with
Then heart shape
Then feeling
Then people to share with and the thought had finally found what it was looking for..
It found love and was very happy
And so it was
Moral: Be careful with how you feed your thoughts; for thoughts...have a mind of their own.
Your Inner Spark